Playing with the app... anybody have recs for good brush sets?

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Annunciation: The Angel Gabriel Sent by God (Capp... (1306) from Bondone on

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Custom character designs are $80.. hit me uppppp....

0 2

everyone left the stream once i started drawing anime skipp...

5 65

heres some a little more spoilery stuff..... i loved the Elodie epp......

0 3

Hello everyone, instagram just censored my art... i need to get strong here... but really i dont know the use for this app...

31 173

Art by Philippa Cahill Karl Pilkington - - - - - ...o/art-by-philipp...

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Nem o sétimo sentido aguenta áudio no Whatsapp...

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Usopp...with dreads//// @

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Johnny Depp.... 😍😍😍 ILoveYou...

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Ma nouvelle pp... j'ai pas fini ce dessin mais bon, je l'avance autant que je peux XD

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I threw this Keyleth sketch into the Meitu app...

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I'm trying out a new app...let's see if this works!

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emoji nya biasa. guanya aja yang kebiasaan jutekin orang di whatsapp... mungkin x)

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Mensajes del Whatsapp...inspirado en este fic:

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went with the yellow I like bc it looks nice - this is like 1/3rd of the app.................

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