Often, when Piglet had a long walk home through the Forest, he wished that he were a bird; but now he thought jerkily to himself at the bottom of Kanga’s pocket, “If this is flying I shall never really take to it.”
He said, “Ooooooo-ow” all the way to Kanga’s house. ~A.A.Milne

255 1402

Some Moodboard customs for Pigletor on DA <3 Heckin in love with this Giraffe oml TAT <3

28 167

Wild Piglet (June 2017)

7 26

Boys chatting about nothing
The true way to Angel's heart is bonding over cute piglets

For Exorcist!Al AU

7 40

A Piglet Called Truffle

0 19

私事ですがこの度2月26日(土)にBar Pigletにてバースデーイベントをさせていただくこととなりました⭐︎

そしてオリシャンやポスターのイラスト👇はR.E.C( )様に描いていただきました😭✨多謝


5 28

The many faces of a cartoon-ified piglet 🤭💕

0 19

Rabbit jumped into a hollow and Pooh and Piglet jumped after him. They crouched in the bracken, listening. The Forest was very silent when you stopped and listened to it. They could see nothing and hear nothing.
“H’sh!” said Rabbit.
“I am,” said Pooh. ~A.A.Milne

287 1512

Characters in children's literature who aren't gay but are so loving and intimate with each other that they might as well should be.
They include:
Ratty and Mole
Winnie the Pooh and Piglet
Moomintroll and Snufkin

0 8