A punt de començar! "La llibertat d'Expressió des de diferents perspectives". Un músic, un periodista i una il·lustradora ens conten els sus punts de vista, les seues experiències i les consequències de la censura als seus sectors. perquè

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... meanwhile, a runner up prize of an unframed mini painting to because I loved his suggestion of a spaniel punting on the Cam. I decided my spaniel would have chosen a chauffeur punt. Yours to collect, Tom!

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No és un lloc
la serenor

No és la immobilitat
ni el seu altar

És un riu
que fa i desfà
el seu camí

sempre a punt
de caure. Sempre
buscant el mar


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it took me all this time to realize that jungkook is doing the reaper pose from overwatch and im gonna punt him into the moon

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Commission 😘
Wonder what would happen to him Punt 😬😬😬

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this comment made me literally punt my keyboard off of its tray and I barely made it out alive .

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Nescafe’s Tumblr punt will underpin first global marketing campaign https://t.co/n7jCp2VYYo

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Take a punt on a new name in comedy, here's who you must see at https://t.co/jJQU2CtNGq

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Yikes time to punt..Schoology is down.

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A punt per entregar a l'editorial el llibre acabat!

Ready to send to the publisher the finished book!

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A punt de perdre'm pels Petits tresors del Prado a
Rubens y Brueghel el Viejo,1617-20

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SAI 使用

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Les fotos de Jordi V.Pou per la parada que posarem a l' signades i a punt! Foto:

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És punt quan la pilota fa dos bots al camp contrari, abans que la toqui el contrincant, havent tocat la xarxa central

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