Sligo is a happening this week. The artwork from last year that I had the pleasure to work on.

Check out their page for events if you're North West.. which includes .. and the site specific theatre Foyle Punt, with music by the magic

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Staat Uruguay op het punt om hun verlies te aanvaarden? door

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Ja gairebé tinc a punt el darrer projecte. Demà segurament el deixaré enllestit i em podré posar amb el proper.

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I’m going to France!
☀︎July 5-8 (I'll participate on July 6 and 8, please note)
☀︎Exhibition Hall in Paris · Nordville Punt
【Hall 5A C-156】

I will participate as a member of "Team WARAI"
Everyone in France, thank you very much☺️

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Ik heb een kleinere zus van 13 die graag anime tekent, maar zelf zegt dat het helemaal niet zo goed is. Ik wil graag haar zelfvertrouwen zien groeien en tonen dat ze absoluut goed bezig is. Steunen jullie haar misschien ook met een RT? Om mijn punt duidelijk te maken.

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Clever people spotted this miscatalogued in 1998 got it for $12K. Can't really see anyone being allowed to take such a punt

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im gonna punt this fuckin drawing into the moon, its driving me insane.

time to put it onto the back burner for a while eugh

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A punt de començar! "La llibertat d'Expressió des de diferents perspectives". Un músic, un periodista i una il·lustradora ens conten els sus punts de vista, les seues experiències i les consequències de la censura als seus sectors. perquè

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... meanwhile, a runner up prize of an unframed mini painting to because I loved his suggestion of a spaniel punting on the Cam. I decided my spaniel would have chosen a chauffeur punt. Yours to collect, Tom!

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No és un lloc
la serenor

No és la immobilitat
ni el seu altar

És un riu
que fa i desfà
el seu camí

sempre a punt
de caure. Sempre
buscant el mar

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it took me all this time to realize that jungkook is doing the reaper pose from overwatch and im gonna punt him into the moon

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Commission 😘
Wonder what would happen to him Punt 😬😬😬

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this comment made me literally punt my keyboard off of its tray and I barely made it out alive .

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Nescafe’s Tumblr punt will underpin first global marketing campaign

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Take a punt on a new name in comedy, here's who you must see at

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Yikes time to punt..Schoology is down.

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