Remedios Varo was a Spanish-Mexican surrealist painter. She was born in Anglés Cataluna, Spain in 1908 and died from a heart-attack in Mexico City in 1963.
Cazadora De Astros (Stars Catcher), 1956

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welcome to the community! Please consider following Remedios Varo . Thanks,

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thanks for following! Remedios Varo might strike your fancy 😉 Cheers,

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Solo i nudi vivono nel Sole,
solo i semplici cavalcano il vento
e solo chi si smarrisce migliaia di volte
riuscirà a tornare a casa.

Kahlil Gibran

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Exploring River of The Source Orinonoco

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To celebrate the 19th Amendment, is inviting everyone to share inspirational women with Explore today's theme, in this blog series about Artist Friendships, like and

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