WILLOWBREEZE - RiverClan (Crookedstar's Promise)

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4 22

GRASSWHISKER - RiverClan (Crookedstar's Promise)

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5 26

Decided to draw my head canon on how their eyes look during certain events! I wanna try to stick to this for any future things I draw! Feel free to use this but credit me please <3

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FROGLEAP - RiverClan (Crookedstar's Promise)

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4 31

some riverclan ladies

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hi im 10 years late 😳 but this is cloudpetal!! they're the seer (med cat) of a future version of riverclan, willowclan

they kinda dont give a shit about starclan and fall in love with another clan's leader when that leader strikes a lot of tension with the other clans

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DAWNBRIGHT - RiverClan (Crookedstar's Promise)

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5 21

CROOKEDSTAR - RiverClan (Crookedstar's Promise > The Prophecies Begin)

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9 51

BLACKCLAW - RiverClan (Crookedstar's Promise > The Power of Three)

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0 8

VOLECLAW - RiverClan (Crookedstar's Promise)

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8 53

This is my other warriors sona sootstep !! She's a windclan warrior but instead of the usual tall, lanky fast boy she's short and stocky. She gets super defensive about her height because it doesn't make her any less of a warrior. She also hates riverclan and thinks they smell

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RAINFLOWER - RiverClan (Crookedstar's Promise)

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4 38

MILKFUR - RiverClan (Yellowfang's Secret)

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7 47


🎵 Roads Untraveled by Linkin Park

She's been slighted by Dawnstar all her life but has never shown bitterness over it. She's very proud of the cats that make up RiverClan.

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🎵 Canoe by Rare Americans

The spoiled son of RiverClan's leader, he lost everything when Wolfstar took over. He's had to learn a lot about the meaning of clan loyalty.

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Meet Littleflame, she's one of my catsona's and resides in Riverclan. Littleflame is 15 moons old and is a spunky, outgoing cat. She has trouble understanding social cues and is a little bit developmentally delayed but lives life to the fullest.

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StoneHeart and ClawFlight
( Riverclan) ❤💖( Shadowclan)

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day 3 (late!) of the 30 day warrior cat challenge!
q: favorite medicine cat
a: mothwing
do you ever just forget the fact that mothwing is related to tigerstar because wow i totally spaced it! anyway, enjoy!!

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