quick Hiddles-Loki sketch . I am so rusty at drawing Hiddles.

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This is what happens when you fall asleep watching ancient aliens. Don't judge me.

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I forgot to post that last night's drawing was an update from last because beer

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decided to knock out my for today with a quick sketch of in

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My request was for "Muppet destruction"....WHO GAVE THIS TO ME LMAO (I had a ton of fun!!)#sketchbet

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Because it's been too long

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adding in some more texture on my parent's Christmas card.

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Before I forget, I added Jack and Zero into a painting for a client at work

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More underwater stuff! A torpedo birb for

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because it's never over! But this project, this project definitely needs to be over...

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Well then, onto the next one.

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A goat's eye from reference, because they are weird and a little creepy and I've not tried it before.

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This spawned from a convo with my brother where I mention how proud I'D be if I could make rainbows.

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Study from ref; tried painting directly without any sketching. Wonky anatomy resulted, but fun. 30 min.

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Style challenge for Misery Monday. Making up for a Workit Wednesday from a few weeks ago.

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For I drew my character Ted, then tried coloring him akin to Aaron Diaz's simple style;

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