About an hour into this piece, but pretty happy with where it is so far. Might take some more time with it over the weekend!

2 135

faces are so hard I struggled a ton with the second one but I learned a lot

0 57

Had so much fun at chat today and why did I pick such a difficult one to study..

0 27

I had to choose the mummy for this session I juST HAD TO okay!? 🙅🏻‍♀️ (& at the last 15' I though let's do Evelyn!!... 😶)

3 45

couldn't seem to wrap my head around the study today so i just went self indulgent and painted cersei's portrait

0 40

Today’s how does 2 hours feel like 2 minutes

0 23

three film studies where I tried some different stuff today and a bonus makeup study from last week that I forgot to post!

1 42

Color Study was fun, it took off all the stress of trying to make everything accurate... and thank you Ilia and Scott for pulling me out of the black hole (couch)
First one 1.5 hours second one 30mins

0 27

did a 30 min study, deffinetly gonna work more on this though.

0 22

Both of these made me want to give up until ~3/4 of the way through. Glad I pushed through it though. Definitely need more environment practice

0 27

Got a little lost in the details on this one, certain areas got way more love than others 😅

0 31

Environment study time with pencil edition plus colour :)

0 42

What can i say except, i'm sorry 😅. other than that, i am actually proud of how well it works without lineart :D

0 16

Lines in CSP, colors in Rebelle 3, 1.5 hours, film ref

This would have been easier in Photoshop but I still haven't got that set up yet.

4 38

Loved doing these animation studies. I spent about an hour on each. I think I ended up with minimum viable Elsa

0 25

Today study for

1:30h because of dinner break

1 28