Boss lady *twirling hair and giggling*

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<Twirls hair>
Speed of sound Sonic from one punch man

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i know i hsoudl be studying but nothing brings me more joy than people experiencing ace attorney for the first time and rtgames trials and tribulations yeah,,, anyways HIIIiiiiIIIIIii *twirls hair around finger* how ya doingggggg

he's such an asshole

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binghe is twirling sqq’s hair ribbon around his fingers stop that’s so cute !!!

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For the first one I love the play of the classic horror telephone motif and I always wanted a Valentines koume w her twirling a phone cord but this is close enough for me! 2nd card is what I want from a ranko/koume event outfit and the 3rd one she's just so small 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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met emet selch.... twirls my hair ...

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he also has a gun AND a blade... i. *twirls my hair*

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*twirling my hair*

so theres this nonbinary-

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1980年同日、第1回世界バトントワリング選手権がシアトルで開催。Baton Twirlingとは両端がゴムの金属棒バトンを回したり空中に投げたりで演技するパフォーマンス。主な技法は空中に投げるエーリアル、手で持たずに身体を転がすロール、手や指で回転させるコンタクトマテリアルの3種類。

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twirls my hair and giggles like a middle school girl

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She would charge her Ki into her palm. She would step forward and twirl on her leg, not unlike an elegant ballerina. She would rapidly fire Ki blasts that began homing into any remaining humans that had taken shelter or cover.

Each impact igniting an explosion, like --

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i am living now!!!! dead by daylight!!!!!

if we are moots / buddies / pals i dont mind having someone to pllay with teehee //twirls hair haha x//3

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omg ryannnnnnnnn twirls hair n giggles

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good news i found a twirl tool in ps and its perfect for michael
bad news i found a twirl tool

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