She got sucked into a giant datacube, a massive information dump directly into her brain, and then was spat out and got up and walked away. HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE EVEN SHEPARD HAD A MIGRAINE AFTER THE PROTHEAN CIPHER

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I took a TON of detail screenshots of Eldan lab interiors, since I knew I'd need lots of references for fancomics.

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The Alpha Sanctum was a single-player dungeon that was one of the first places your character started to learn about what the Eldan were really doing on Nexus.

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When they overhauled the new player intro area, it went from being on your faction's generation ship to a holo-VR version of a coastal zone that had been planned for the game but never released.

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The laser beams in the sky are from the malfunctioning Eldan terraformer. Too bad we can't use one of those on Earth to fix the burned parts of the Amazon.

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Apparently said Moodie surveillance mission launched a drone, because the camera went INTO AND THROUGH a cave…?

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This particular mission involved setting up surveillance on a village of Moodies, weird little critters who kind of resembled bunnies but had skinny little arms and legs and always wore wooden masks.

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As you can see, all Chua experiments were well-planned, responsibly thought out, and never EVER went horribly wrong.

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Deradune had very pretty vistas despite the heat. And dangerous animals.

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Deradune was mostly dry and grassy, but there was a part with an Eldan terraformer gone out of control and growing a bunch of trees. Which wouldn't get enough water to survive long-term…

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There was a large Mordesh contingent in Celestion, as well. Their motivations were a little darker than those of the Aurin.

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This was a part of Celestion inhabited by a band of Torine, a race of immortal Amazons infused with primal life.

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Celestion was even prettier than Auroria! A foresty zone that was the counterpart of Algoroc for Aurin and Mordesh (but like with Algoroc, you were able to choose; I think you loaded there by default, but there was a teleporter).

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Auroria was so peaceful. I could maybe stand to live there, if it weren't for the filthy Dominion scum everywhere. XD

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Arcterra looks cold, sure, but I live in the Midwest so I'm sure it's no worse than a typical January here.

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So much work and detail went into the little environmental stuff, like plants, and most people probably didn't even pay attention. :(

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