no olvidemos a 300 millones de niños trabajadores. Millones de niños recogen café, té, cacao, etc. 70% trabajan en la agricultura, pero hay trabajo infantil en la moda, los minerales y en muchas otras industrias. El trabajo infantil es cruel, muy rentable e ilegal

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On we can't forget 300 million child workers. Millions of children pick coffee, tea & cocoa. 70% work in agriculture but there is child labor in fashion, minerals & many other industries. Millions of children work to help corporations make tens of billions in profits

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The Neolithic Revolution, or (1st) Agricultural Revolution, spurred mankind's transition from a pre-calendar world to a post-calendar one. The technology & benefits of the 1st* calendar circle were spread, with intent, to the rest of the globe

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Imagine if agriculture only filled a third. Here's how we (and the robots) can reinvent our food system.

For Zetland
Written by Thomas Hebsgaard
AD Mikkel Bøgild Jacobsen

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While most drekir are hunter gatherers, the less numerous but great Sivilāo realms are primarily agricultural, domesticating animals and plants to feed their thousands of drekir, ormer, and mavotur.
Here are some of their crops! The ones farmed vary realm to realm but anywho

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Ohashi - some lovely stuff - c1955 agricultural co-operation poster

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Since the inception of Field Order 15, the Black farmer’s needs have been overlooked and denied.

This doesn’t only take an economic toll, but there are physical and mental repercussions that extend throughout the community.

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Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique
"Pommes de Terre Potagères"

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Happy Friday my dudes. 10% off ends at midnight. Code is
(this is the last time I'll plug my shop for a bit cause I know it's super annoying)

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I have bills to pay so I've just launched a flash sale. 10% off using code IAMTHENEXTMINISTERFORAGRICULTURE - valid till midnight Friday

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"Perséfone, a deusa da agricultura e das estações, que ao comer um romã, o fruto proibido, no reino de Hades se torna a guardiã do mundo dos mortos."

espero que gostem🥺

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Adam, her husband and hell teddybear whose got an affinity for agriculture.

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Once I wrote a pilot script for young kids about these two kids and a pit bull having a grand old time on a farm and learning about agriculture from these produce fairies

484 1978

6. is the of the He also symbolized and the cycle of Nile floods that Egypt relied on for agricultural fertility. 7/8

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Adephagia, the Greek goddess of gluttony, or at least agricultural bounty.

I know granny smith apples originated in late 1800's Australia and were nowhere near Greece, shut up...

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Alright! Here's why you should get real excited about

Hope Sustains is a farming simulator about community, nature and love. It features a deep and realistic agriculture system, a lively and diverse cast, and a beautiful botanical art inspired style.

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Hi, I’m Sevi! I’m an agricultural science graduate and farm labourer, primarily milking cows at the moment! Though, I also make art for fun and sometime pocket change in my spare time~ 🐄🌱🎨

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Farmers, fisherfolk, rural women, rural youth and agricultural workers will bare their worsening state under the Duterte regime.

Join us in today's State of the Peasant Address. 3pm via Zoom and Facebook Live.

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It seems that reoccurring animal symbols found in mythologies across Eurasia and North Africa are based on animal agricultural year calendar markers developed from the significant lifecycle events of the animals in question. Examples:

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