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Suite à un incident technique indépendant de notre volonté survenu en #janvier2015, notre présence sur #Twitter a été momentanément interrompue. Nous revenons sur le réseau, sous vos applaudissements et vos encouragements à aller niquer nos mères.
Applauding floral resilience as I watch the snow melt in April and am willing Spring in with work by @liseljane ✨Today was gorgeous in NYC.
@gameumentary Very well done! I head @GoCritical , but just had to applaud you personally. Keep up the good work. Thought you guys might enjoy this piece of art done by @niroj28 over @JadeCircleArt . Looking forward to more docs! @gunfire_games @AirshipSyn @JoeMadx @SteveMadureira #Darksiders
@sarahjeangosney Indeed. :)
And I applaud you for it, and not to say this out of excuse.
@markiplier you scared the heck out of me, i have no idea what your plan was but you managed to make me draw. so i applaud you
#wilfordwarfstache #darkiplier #markiplier (i wish teh transparent stuff worked better)
@BigDeadAlive I do not know whether to excite myself or applaud you for drawing so well.
Probably one of the Best parts of #justiceleague was when the entire cinema applauded at the end and again on the final end credit scene probably 500 people!!! 👏👏 it was Absolutely outstanding don’t listen to bullshit news elsewhere and I mean it!!
Bin ja schon fast gespannt welche C-Promis ich heute auf der Premiere & Premierenfeier sehen werde 😂
Wehe die applaudieren nicht ordentlich, dann gibt's Ärger 😤
Wallaye j'ai dessiné un chibi, je mérite des applaudissements-//kicked
En plus c'est digital et tout, colo de fou(que sur les cheveux lel)
#TaylorSwift uploads her music to Spotify the day Katy Perry drops her new album. Applauding the shady transparency 👏👏👏 😂
@iFrankAbney Boss Baby looked so much fun to animate! I applaud everyone on the team!
Hilarious film
Timing on point
We applaud Judith Kerr for her achievements as an illustrator on International women's Day #IWD2017 https://t.co/eUY09scKjx
REVIEW: @RealEricJoseph applauds #HarleyQuinn Vol. 6 by @JPalmiotti & @Jt_Cr - https://t.co/Ce0wa0I78Y
REVIEW: @RealEricJoseph applauds #HarleyQuinn Vol. 6 by @JPalmiotti & @Jt_Cr - https://t.co/Ce0wa0I78Y
Perceptor applauds everyone for Day 4 of #LostLightFest
I applaud whoever did this. Under the Red Hood intro mixed with "Beautiful Lie" from the BvS soundtrack!
Un chien avec des rayures, une tortue, un truc et une PokéBall, on applaudit le design. Lourd.
Mon amour immodéré du "Koan" me force à m'applaudir d'une seule main.. à rêver les yeux ouverts.
“Give someone a hand” = to applaud someone 👏
“Give someone a hand” = to help someone