1st Ss geometric shape art Chalker Elementary crayon shading

3 7

How do I combine 2 or more unrelated items to create a new object or being? Teacher demos for third

0 2

Artists are sooo misunderstood...

1 5

Walton's gold medal work at the scholastic art and writing awards!

1 3

Appropriation project.Reinvention of an original work/album cover.D&P1

1 6

Texture Still-Life Watercolor Paintings (Comp)

1 10

"Human Anatomy and Nature" Concept SaraZ

2 7


7 7

Art of the art teacher Chalker elem. 6ftx6ft crayon How am I the boss of my crayon?

0 3

5th Grade Toy Still Life student choice mixed media Chalker elem

1 7

Kinder selfies. Where we are proud of our freckles! Pumped about all the character in the beauties!

2 4

Artists "appropriation" project for DP2.Artist-influenced work after reproduction of an orginal.

1 2