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✨ Your opinions on: LISSA ✨
(Shameless self promotion on my art because she doesn’t have an official design out of the books)
- For the ones who don’t know, She’s Virens Ex Wife, Claudia & Soren mom.
星 希代子 さんの著書がAmazonランキングのTOP1000にランクインしました。
ハイキュー!! ショーセツバン!! 12 (JUMP j BOOKS)
Perception Management is such a cutie name for smoke-screens.
Art for the book “A orquestra dos músicos de Bremen” - written by Jonas Ribeiro (the man who sold 1.5 MILLION books) - published by Elementar - Brazil
Victor Tavares
#NobodyArtistClub #under10kgang #under1kgang
Here’s some of my work!
I’m obsessed with insects and mostly doing digital illustrations ^^
I’m also currently working on some projects (illustrated books)
[ Kindle ] 2020-07-12読了。最後の方に出てきたバーの常連客っぽい男性は他作品のキャラかな? : "パラダイスキス (&Me BOOKS)"(吉田美野, クサカベ 著)https://t.co/6sXDC9uvxg
frozen picture book french ver series:
La Reine des Neiges: Histoires d'Arendelle
Olaf aime les livres (one for the books)
🗓️05/08/2020 📖32p 978-2016289549/2016289546
Petites Princesses:
elsa's icy rescue & anna finds a friend
https://t.co/8494xDwBKo https://t.co/RxwkNfrtba
クレイジー・キッチン 2 (カドカワBOOKS) を
Amazon でチェック! https://t.co/L2fsgMIqVh @amazonより
I've always enjoyed @MahmudAsrar and love watching artists just get better over time.
This cover sold me on his art and I picked up New 52 Supergirl for awhile because of it (back when I read DC books).
ジルの魔法!: オメガバース (デジタル Indigo Books) 藍白 https://t.co/tkkrrMqHLz @amazonJPより
@yachimifus @homurakin sorry OP we're like a year ahead of you
(second pic by @hikamayas which was featured on @/homuhomu_ebooks)
@UmairNajeebKhan Hi I'm Hafsa, 23 y/o (aspiring) artist. I usually like to do redraws of fandom characters (anime/disney/books) and now creating new OCs as well! I am currently branching onto digital art from traditional. My ig is https://t.co/eEsNIICemc
Neil Packer's illustrations of the Trojan War are packed with bright colors, minute details, and loads of action scenes. Illustrated for Homer's "Odyssey" and "Iliad" as retold by Gillian Cross (Walker Books).
君を忘れない。: オメガバース (デジタル Indigo Books) 藍白 https://t.co/yILXiYTZL9 @amazonJPより
ねえ、話をしよう。① 尊人・那由多編: オメガバース ねえ、シリーズ (デジタル Indigo Books) 藍白 https://t.co/sGz4nU9rhK
アンリミ読み放題にも登録してます🌟 https://t.co/MmdOZBsOgV
『大預言者は前世から逃げる 3 ~三周目は公爵令嬢に転生したから、バラ色ライフを送りたい~ (カドカワBOOKS)』(寿利真, 雪子 著) を読み終えたところです https://t.co/ADypKiMOrV
If you've ever had some burning questions about Edinburgh's delightful @armchairbooks, or independent bookshops in general, drop us a quick message (or Armchair Books) and we'll be sure to cover them in our #EdLitSpotlight chat on Instagram this Thursday.
More details to come!
@g1un1u Kindle Unlimited対象作品にぎうにう先生のイラストのノベルが登場‼
『教えて! 誰にでもわかる異世界生活術 (カドカワBOOKS) 藤 正治 /ぎうにう』
『教えて! 誰にでもわかる異世界生活術2 (カドカワBOOKS) 藤 正治/ぎうにう』
黒い羊 (ハーパーBOOKS) を Amazon でチェック! https://t.co/4IHifjmw4M @amazonより https://t.co/3hhOYGRtuG
Ya know, this shit is really nice (the last one is gonna be peppered in the books)