Le gang de Guiz c'est un peu le gang du nudisme à cause de Will-

12 135

Cudley Cowlick, the floating dismembered cow head that vomits the Ninja Turtles to transport them... doesn't get enough play on Twitter...for some reason.

4 22

Ops, fent gargots amb la meva filla crec que se m'ha colat un president a un raconet del full. Si és que et despistes i ja tens una exclusiva.
El periodisme és així...

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12 35

"Periodisme visual, disseny i empresa: noves narratives comunicatives, nous horitzons laborals", conferència a càrrec de Jordi Català

0 1

I either dismembered a body in my bathtub or I dyed my hair red

4 96

Molt agraïts al diari per l'especial que dedica al No us el perdeu!

6 19

J'ai commencé mon sketchbook^^ Je trouve Darling I know parfaite pr le theme ,elle parle de fatphobia et aussi de validisme👌🏽

6 28

Chayse the dismembered cat says hi

0 5

L'audace, la créativité, l'avant-gardisme et l'originalité du cinéma Français illustré

8 18

Dismember、Tooth and Nailを更新しました Diは触り反応の調整と追加、TNはソロモードを全体的に追加しました 詳しくはブログで https://t.co/9JbuXfsfR3

13 14

Nursery rhymes all sweet & light? Hmm. Contents include dismemberment, body snatching, cannibalism & death by squeezing...

10 26

Randal grumbled to himself after they had dismembered the Knight. How come he could never guess the number his brother was thinking of?

13 86

Immortal Planet is 2d isometric where enemies stare at you profoundly before proceeding to dismember you.

4 48

Paul Goesch (1885-1940) ~ The dismembered Horus, watercolour

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