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🥰🥰🥰 drawing this bring me so much fun! She is such a perfect idol and easy to draw because she is so cute and rememberable💕💕💕 https://t.co/VCUhvrJZ6o
So a little while back I was taking care of this beautiful baby sparrow.
Sadly he/she passed away from the concussion she had. I asked @aoi_4502 to draw this for me in her/his rememberance.
Time for some suuuper old work :)
A bit emberassing but here we go
@renegade_roo when me ish drunk, my color starts to fade uncontrollably that ish really emberassing.!
it's the curse of being a chameleon dog!
(art by the great @luxraypok )
Currently wondering why the NPC/Side Character designs for P3 were so boring when P2 had some pretty rememberable designs for it's side characters
"Apakah kamu sudah menemukan cinta yang akan mengobati rasa sesal mu?"
"Gimana kalau coba cari dari dekat?"
Pertanyaan yang sudah jelas arah tujuannya kemana. Jeffrey memberanikan diri bertanya demikian, berharap orang yang berada di depannya menyadari perasaannya.
I know you saw it on Discord already but happy rememberance of your spawning day @BoingaBunga
abbadon, embodiment of chaos, the first sinner, the flame beckoner,
and the single dad of emberalda
#ghozt #ghozt_art #art #artwork #drawing #digitalart #digitalartwork #digitaldrawing
1. Shuichi Akai sebagai tokoh sentral
Debut di komik vol 29 & anime eps 230, Shuichi Akai awalnya belum diketahui apakah ia musuh/sekutu. Namun setelah kasus penyergapan Kogoro Mouri oleh Organisasi Hitam, akhirnya Shuichi bekerjasama dg Conan untuk memberantas Organisasi Hitam.
Karyaku! Setelah sekian lama gak pegang alat gambar, memberanikan diri mencoba lagi 😣✊🏻 btw yang mau temenan hayukkk ✨✨
🍄👶🏻 She Won’t Remember Any Of This:
5. Mochi Cheek Suction Kiss
#alsofacegrab #grabbingeyelids
Rei (OC) x Arthur
Edisi memberanikan diri untuk nge-up konten halu 🗿🤲🏻
🍄👶🏻 She Won’t Remember Any Of This:
4. Story Time With Kāsan
On this day of rememberance #YomHaShoah
Juste des noms sur une liste ,ma tante , mon oncle et leurs 4 enfants
Je n’ai aucune photo, mais tous les jours de ma vie je pense à eux, à leur triste destinée et à la vie qu’ils n’ont pas vécue.💔
🍄👶🏻 She Won’t Remember Any Of This:
3. TallMan: Everyone’s Charging Station 🔋⚡️
Everyone gather around for warmth, “jokes” and attention! 🔥🤡🥰
"I'm here because I love you! Of course, I'll be here!"
- Elysia, embodiment of love and passion
ft. @moonbellsy @CatfishHexen @AmaiLilia @bloomibirb @prendoriancrab @HalflingPuppet @hyzengardVA @kit_Ranna_ @minimalaifu
~After so long, I've done it. #Vtuber #Ω
|| Fear not this night, you will not go astray...
|| Though Shadows fall, still the stars find their way.
Poor Garahdiin, a gone so long from home that his rememberance of Darnassian is closer to Wisp-speak than it is people speak
#WorldOfWarcraft #WoW
One of our readers has launched a poster campaign to celebrate all those that have died during the COVID-19 pandemic. #covid19 #covid_19 #covidkindness #covidlife #coronavirus #pandemic #forgetmenot #rememberance
Der Krieg beginnt! Nächste Woche erscheint der dritte Band von #Die5Reiche aus dem @SplitterVerlag. Wieder atemberaubend illustriert von Jérôme Lereculey. Wir sind schon sehr gespannt.