🚨#XSpoilers/Spoiler 🚨

Preview from (W-, A-). The turns green. seems confirmed...ties in to (W-#JonathanHickman, A-#PepeLarraz, C-#MarteGracia, L-#ClaytonCowles)?

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Dragotta's art is the best. I love how many Franklin and Galactus moments we've had since Hickman established this.

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More Hickman Doom being totally awesome, standing up to four Celestials. Also, Doom's relationship with Valeria is odd, but fun. It's like her way of rebelling against her father.

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hickman has infected me with severe samberto disease and I know full well he's only baiting

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STORM to Star in Hickman's GIANT-SIZE X-MEN (Formerly Annuals) Finale https://t.co/hB0QQNGb0J

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Thompson, Hickman team on new book, LONELY RECEIVER https://t.co/Wg73Jydne8

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So Hickman answered my question. It is definetely an interesting take on telepaths

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Os dejo en anticipo, la imagen del podcast “Cuando haces HoX/PoX ya no hay stop” que se publicará la semana que viene. El artista responsable de la maravilla en cuestión es el inigualable e inclasificable el “Liefeld” del nuevo siglo

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This part in particular feels like it is Hickman summing up his entire run so far

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FOLEY SAYS: Another plot thickens in X-MEN as Jonathan Hickman & Matteo Buffagni focus on Mystique's role in Xavier & Magneto's machinations. Like the last 2 issues, it's completely different from the one before it, but like the last 2 issues, it's also at its best.

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Un aperçu de Giant Size X-Men: Jean Grey And Emma Frost par Jonathan Hickman () et Russell Dauterman () chez https://t.co/CdMqeEVpoV

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WOLVERINE and those cool mutants from the Year One Hundred. POWERS OF X#2. Story by Jonathan Hickman, pencils by RB Silva, inks by Adriano Di Benedetto and colors by Marte Gracia.

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FOLEY SAYS: The Jen Hickman wraparound cover for 's upcoming FINGER GUNS comic by Justin Richards & Val Halvorson is really pretty.

That is all.

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Marvel test pages, based on undoubtely 2019 best comic, House of X by Hickman/Larraz/Gracia. Colors on art by Giorgio Spalletta

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I'm beginning to think the worst thing to happen to the X-Men in a while has been Hickman revitalizing it, making editorial crank out spinoff after spinoff. I always found X-Babies annoying but this? I just outright hate.

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La estoy disfrutando, pero me cuesta un mundo enterarme de cosas, sobretodo de lo que acontece en X2.. Supongo que al final todo encajará, Hickman es mucho de eso, pero en Dinastía de X está dejando el nivel altísimo. Además da miedo que te digan que nuestro futuro es La Falange

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