少し前にアメリカで幻のアメリカ版セーラームーンの映像が発見され話題になりましたが先日親戚の家の倉庫の中からアニメ版仮面アメリカ(1969年放送)のフィルムを発見しました! 制作会社にUFOが突っ込みフィルムが全て焼失したと言われていたので大変貴重なのではないでしょうか!?(嘘)#KamenAmerica

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Thank you everyone who showed up to my stream last night and thanks to for commissioning me for this piece.

5 25

I love watching Marvel and DC getting DESTROYED by independent creators with actual talent. Those woke companies have ONE trick: the swap. Meanwhile, an entire universe of new and interesting original characters is unfolding in books like

3 6

Kimiko doing what she does best, being adorable

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Still loving Madame Hare Trigger and the Black Hops books. I can't recommend these comics enough!

21 95

Ohohoho! It's a very Sylvia Saturday!

39 107

Time for some Thursday Thunder with

19 81

What’s twist indeed, I didn’t think it was all an act for a TV show they were doing. Which makes it all clear, once we saw the preview images from Volume 7. We’ll see how far the gang will take this show.

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