Sure lady🙄😒 just answer my boy's questions without embarrassing yourself further

0 7

Damn, what an introduction. 16th Daksha's design is pretty fire, too bad his personality and decisions aren't on the same level

0 7

Yes Maruna, that's called deceiving, my boy

0 8

Oh… Enan's companion's reaction to that was… more intense than I expected. I feel like this can't just be about Enan🤨🤔

0 8

Maruna's reactions😂😂

0 9

Yess, teach him please and by extension me😁 Also, I really was wondering if that's why it was called the Half-Human form division

0 8

I was about to say, before humans cast aside fiendish magic, Halfs must've been experts at using fiendish magic

0 8

Ofc Menaka magic would have no side effects, it's probably the safest fiendish magic to use! I'm so ready to learn more about fiendish magic

0 7

Who's this human that uses Menaka magic, I need to meet them😁 I love that Menaka magic is strong enough to be used against something as destructive as Shiva magic ^^

0 10

"Sanyoga Menaka"⁉️ That must be a type of fiendish magic and a Menaka magic to boot!

0 8

Living there must be hell for Halfs. I wonder why Superior Suras don't like that planet though🤔🤔

0 8

Omg, this is blatant discrimination. I expected to see some bs but curry is already setting up how unfair things are for Halfs here

0 8

I'm actually not sure since I do not know the extent of their relationship

0 8

A king who can see the future, huh? I hope I will get to meet this king soon

0 8

Now this is gonna be a hell of a competition😁

0 8

Well if the king is making such a big deal out of divine magic, Enan can lie through his teeth, it's always morally right🤷‍♀️

0 8

Hell yess, way to go Vayu!

0 8

Ofc his thought process would be like that😒😒

0 8