Fury - Amaranthe - Maximalism

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New works delivered to

Edward VI of England (after Flemish School) - Oil on canvas - 40.5 x 51cm

The paintings are taken from my 2018 collection, Maximalist Banquet.

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I like my horrible crystalline beings from outer space to be maximally cute, delivers

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Land Control, The farm. Watercolour on arches paper 28 x 19 cm. maximal surreal landscapes JDavies artworks archive watch.

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Valhusky is faithful and loyal; very much inspired by Brienne of Tarth. She is Samonarch's liutenant.

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OMAC is one of my favorite Kirby works because of the maximalist approach to dystopia. This year, , , and I have been working on something that’s certainly in part a response to that work. Keep your eyes peeled.

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The first of my robot-pet-Transformers series: Corgitron! Haven't really developed a personality for this guy, but it sure gives me Rattrap vibes. #

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Detail shot from Top heavy. Watercolour and ink on arches paper, maximal surreal things artworks JDavies 2017-19.

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Stackers jaw. Watercolour and ink on arches paper 28 x 19 cm. maximal surreal things JDavies artworks 2018-19.

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Detail shot from lizard jaw. Watercolour and ink on arches paper, maximal surreal things JDavies artworks 2017-19.

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📸 | Nuove foto di per la collezione Autunno/Inverno 2019 di Oryany

MAXIMALism (2/2)

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Scary jaw. Watercolour and ink on arches paper, 19 x 14 cm. maximal surreal things JDavies artworks 2018-19.

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Detail from muppet jaw. Watercolour and ink on arches paper, maximal surreal things JDavies artworks 2018-19.

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Throwback to last summer’s collection, unveiled at Underdog London last fall.

Edward VI of England, after Flemish School - Acrylic - 40.5 x 51cm. The title of my 2018 exhibition, Banquet, refers to an interest in excess & overloading images with &

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Recolor of the first 126^3 scene I was proud of! I called it Goop Facility. It was truly an exercise in

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