when i try to draw too many micros with any sort of consistency and detail, the quality falls off a cliff x.x

on the other hand, trying to imagine Neptune's Duke-Nukem-tier-ego filled room was worth a giggle

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Blood released 22 years ago! The best BUILD engine game? (At least until ...)? Do you prefer this to Duke Nukem 3D? Recently remastered on GOG as Blood: Fresh Supply. DL original shareware here: https://t.co/oFu8Io977b

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Hi! I'm Ardat. Occupation: drawing badass big action heroes!

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On 4/20/2013 I did this for a PixelJoint weekly challenge: "Never Nude". Consists on drawing a 200x200 px scene censoring nudity in a funny way. 20 colors max. I decided to do a tribute to my 2 favorite FPS: & even though isn't one of my fav genres on videogames

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Hey Opiates - We’ve partnered with Aspyr for a publisher sale exclusively in the Opium Pulses Store, with up to 90% off titles in series such as Call of Duty, Mafia, SimCity, Duke Nukem and much more! - Click below to check out the deals!


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Duke nuke fanart, previous grayscale nversion and color.

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My improvement in 3 years. Drawing Duke help me to draw again after long time. Thank you Duke!

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Request No.2 (no I'm not taking general requests, this was open to a few people only), Been a while since I drew a beefcake.

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It was awesome fun! And every time I see the movie, I wonder if they got the old photo with Steve Trevor idea from us... LOL!

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Some mockup Nintendo Switch covers of games I would love to see get ported.

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Hey how does one go about throwing their hat in the ring for this Duke Nukem film? I've been honing my skills at making hypermacho characters likeable for nearly a decade at https://t.co/xOwYLD4qBC and have years of experience writing/boarding action on Ben 10 for CN.

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"Rule number one on the Official Duke Nukem Minecraft Server is no griefing, and you broke it. Looks like I'm gonna have to break Rule 2 to deal with your ass; No RDM!" -Admin Duke

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Fembot- middle boss from Duke Nukem Manhattan project https://t.co/c2x4GMmaV4

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