im mantis (16 + lesbian) and i draw all the time !!! i also have OCD.

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Oh shit, neat. Im also drawing with , and I promise I'm a normal human.

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and OCD means I give up on most of my projects due to obsessively critizing myself and thinking I'm not good enough. I set very short deadlines for myself which usually ends in frustration because I'm always rushing to finish a piece focusing only in the results+

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and ocd, i dont know if anyone else feels this way? when i smoke and doodle i feel like my brain can finally relax and i can find total peace in my anxious mind and actually enjoy myself

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My favorite ships at the moment. Or rather this is my main symptom of OCD😆

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Doctors told him that his OCD would make any serious career impossible.
Hokusai proved them wrong by achieving great success through his Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. This is no. 33.

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Really freeing to paint loosely like this. In school I'd agonize over why my line art looked stiff, with my OCD breathing down my neck..
used as a loose ref! 🙂

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Ryuk from all finished with spot colour- the fact that his right foot was missing was driving me insane so I added his foot in- feels better to me now.... this is for sale if anyone is interested drop me a message

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This will sound ridiculous to ‘normal’ people but I’m really pleased with myself for using butter that someone else (husband) could have used...instead of the hidden tub in the fridge. Need to conquer contamination fears!

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Garv of the Yloe

Hes the elder of 2 bros that serve as co-managers under their CEO father at Gullosi Family Goods Inc, Yloe's wealthiest corporation

He's got OCD regarding efficiency and isn't afraid to throw down with drones or his metal boots. He DOES have moral standards tho

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Here is a SLIGHTLY better version. My OCD is killing me but I can't seem to get it to work the way I want it to

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So much great work here. Favourite commissioned piece is this hand washing image for an article on someone with OCD living through the pandemic. Favourite personal work is a little bit of hope.
I have to say that I do draw things other than hands... But I do draw a lot of hands!

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Wasn't going to say anything about it because I try to avoid talking about my mental health on my art acc. as much as possible, but if people could please go a little easy on me about the commission openings / how they're handled I would really appreciate it. I have OCD and -

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Please help! my ocd can't handle this! 👀😱

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New DnD character: Shikazio Unmei, The Unluckiest Man in the World

Detests the gods for intentionally giving him a terrible life out of his control, so he wants to go up there himself and well.....kill em. Is horribly OCD as to avoid his bad luck.

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Say hello to my old drawing~
*feeling OCD just because so many NG lines :'D

Okay, I'll stop for now and need rest ASAP wwwww

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Me irl (Elizabeth) vs Aria (online persona)

Elizabeth is quiet & hardworking, battling moderate OCD. Non-existant sleep schedule.
Aria is more outspoken & the bitch be thirsty. Aggressively loves you.
Both wildly observant & genuine!

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hi, i'm deku. i'm autistic and have ocd. i draw things, usually related to anime/video games. i haven't been posting much art recently bc my mental health hasn't been great, but i am working on something that might be finished soonish. maybe.

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