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1日(金) 20:00
2日(土) 15:00/19:00


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Inktober No. 023 - Ancient

I picked an automation arm to study because these will be the ancient precursor of future cyborg tech.


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Day 11 - With a Friend
Bent it abit to be "Friends" because, I wanted to draw this trio, I haven't drawn them all together, let alone anyone other than Millista since I graduated Highscool, feels nice to draw them all again!

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melodramatic scool doodle time!!!! tryin to. figure out first emmy still...
ill get it eventually
Anyway They're Sad

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I'm going to use to practice my linearts
I made this in like an hour because I forgot that it was the first day of october today. And I got to sleep cuz scool...

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also i colored a pencil drawing from scool

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i've been watching colliscool in my free time and she's sooo funny and creative!! (i wanted to make her look like an anime character 👀)


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I’m at scool and buys too big for seat aaaah (dat me screaming)

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Hey guys, I'm very proud to announce that I just got a Fortnite creator code! so Use code " MIZUISCOOL " on the fortnite shop to support me!

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草野なつか監督『王国(あるいはその家について)』が三鷹SCOOLにて昨日から限定で特別上映されています!本日16:00〜併映の草野監督の長編初監督作『螺旋銀河』のレビューを書きました!たおやかな映画の雰囲気が、暑い気候にやられた心と身体を癒してくれます!https://t.co/XUNwZw8GKT (スミモト)

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Rise and shine SHEWOLF PACK!
Check out the latest SHEWOLF STYLE ICON article which features Lilakoi Moon aka Lisa Bonet, the effortless queen of rock star boho:

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WOW!!! I LOVE WOOLOO WITH ALL MY HEART!!! https://t.co/yIxTeLcofA

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Hello, here is a fanart drawing I made in sketch and in digital for a friend from deviantart named YanglsCool she ask me to draw JoJo from Dr. Seuss with Merida from Brave as beauty and the beast.

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Hello, here is a fanart drawing I made in sketch and in digital for a friend from deviantart named YanglsCool she ask me to draw Lana hypnotized Lola to be like her from the loud house.

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this is an old ass commission of a socked bowser i did for sexonfireiscool on FA and despite how mf rusty it is i still remain fairly happy with it, so thought i'd throw it here.

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