画質 高画質

아직 생일 안지났어요

32 54

September 14th, Happy Birthday Ashe 💚💚💚

3 13

Good morning my dear friends ☕🤗💙💛! Live, love,dream!
"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon seem inevitable"
My new drawing "Dreamer"
Available for sale

47 108

The NFT of "Shear Valla" has been sold, many thanks to for the support!! It makes me very happy, thank you so much! 💜💙🥰

2 16

It has been a long time without drawing WsH and today is Ashe's birthday due to Japanese time zone
Happy birthday to you 🎂🎂🎂
(I want to draw something different so here is Ashe with a peaceful smile)

39 78

Happy Birthday Ashe Bradley!!! My favorite Witchs Heart character and current hyperfixation 💚💚💚

35 118


12 26

애시 생일 축하하다...

161 295

Happy Birthday!!

811 1916

애시 씨 생일 축하해요~

34 54

어쩌다가 집들이가 된...
게다가 좌우반전 해버려서 외관 틀린 여성 됨

47 69

Auction started for my NFT of "Shear Valla"!! Thank you very much for your bid!! It makes me verry happy! 😭💙🤍💙

Thank you for your support!! (/*o*)/💙\(*o*\)

4 9