I cant just yell about Gryphons without actually drawing one now can I??
Anyway please enjoy my new girl, Ninendava, a vulture gryphon!!

6 29

I wanna draw some beasties and started with Clannfear :D

30 179

Basta sfiorare il filo teso
di un profumo che i ricordi risuonano immediatamente.

Diane Ackerman


16 25

Fast sketches
's character from
I've wanted to try some more casual-cartoonish style.

2 8

Wise ashlander lady with baby batul.
My girlfriend told me that ashlander are like municipality and I love it💓

18 45

This is Tei, my crafter who finally got a redesign. Poor boi, now he has anxiety-feathers

0 6

Blood Magus & Umbral Assassin 💉🔪

8 9

Dopo una melanconica passeggiata durante la quale i suoi occhi riflettevano la dolcezza del cielo, e il mio cuore, da parte mia, era teso in un’angoscia infernale..” Ritratti di amanti
Charles Baudelaire
💙#TeneraÈLaNotte Buonanotte🌹
Édouard Manet

68 118