If Haechan is a Teddiursa, then Johnny is his big bro Usaring that's ready to fight.😤😤😤

250 434

Unique Poke'hybrid OC idea I made a while ago as warmup that I never posted publicly QwQ

They're a teddiursa with cutiefly/ribombee features and a honey fairy theme! They definitely have honey gather as their ability lol. The honey dipper wand was suggested by !

51 157

Fanart of some underappreciated Johto Pokemon. These guys really need some more love!

21 61

cutie and the beast - teddiursa and ursaring!

0 4

Teddiursa 🌙🐻

16 84



2 14

My guild wanted something for their Guild Advertisement!
Teddiursa Cleo!!

2 5

Dibujito de junto a su Teddiursa 💕🌱

2 17

Teddiursa would be the best Pokémon for Connor, don't even try to change my mind

0 0

First time doing anything like this but commissioned teddiursa for mitchy!!

1 4

I figure this design only got the axe after Teddiursa was added to the dex, for fear of them looking too similar. What a shame!

81 534

⭐ If Yamazaki had a pokemon, one of them wpuld be Teddiursa. ⭐

3 7

actually finished something for once but cant show the whole thing till tomorrow
have a tiny preview for now

0 6

Gen 2 Normal Type: This was a hard decision because Furret and Dunsparse are super cute too!

4 9