
Used that sketch from last night to draw him! He is a ThunderClan medicine cat who should probably groom himself

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Lovely thunderclan gal 🧡🐿

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and here is my cat Prince! (sorta hhh close enough he’s missing his white peets and chest)

if he were a warrior, he’d be named Sunfrost! he’s actually half thunderclan, half windclan, but he lives in and is loyal to thunderclan :3

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I believe that the raptors in the clans are different due to the difference in lifestyle.They live in a dense forest, a lot of grass and bushes. ThunderClan raptors are large, with thick fluffy plumage. ambush medium-sized prey

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310 - Manectric
Type: Electric

MANECTRIC is constantly discharging electricity from its mane. The sparks sometimes ignite forest fires. When it enters a battle, this POKéMON creates thunderclouds.

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man i sure do love warrior cats! look at all these thunderclan cats! nothing else! no sir!

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Tulippaw or Tulipshine, warrior apprentice of Thunderclan. She's a ball of joy and doesn't know how to pay attention to her mentor.

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Totally forgot to upload this. 13 and 14 of the 100 WC challenge! Barkface and Jayfeather ^^
I'm very proud of Jayfeather's pose because I didn't use any references

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Got a new boi recently
He was supposed to be adoptable but wasn't sold so for now he'll be staying with me (maybe I'll sell him later when I need money and/or lose interest in him)
His name is Thundercloud and he is s o f t

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"With this life, I give you courage."- Sunstar at Bluestar's leader ceremony
Pretty old drawing but I still like it.
Sunstar need way more attention.

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Here are some of my thunderclan kids: lightningburn, acornpaw, twilightmist, and vineleap. They’re all going through some shit

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pov: you are in the thunderclan medicine den

(i re read apprentices quest and decided i didnt like my alderheart design so heres a new one)

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a recent design commission from last month

was very inspired while drawing this. We had some lovely thunderclouds overhead.

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Thunderclan Leader

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⛈️ ThunderClan at the start of the series 🐾

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Fanart Friday | November 27th, 2020
Ivypool - Warriors: Omen of the Stars

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Miriel, lovely wizard with aggressive thundercloud

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