画質 高画質

Killer Frost by Vivian Pride. So pretty 😍

47 65

'be my bride.'

the unsaid words are the saddest ones.

110 46

If you climb into the saddle , be ready for the ride.
Beautiful work of wind brothers by Pat Erickson

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So I spent my time drawing ahahahha! An actual convo while I was waiting for my ride. Tis about anime. Awww..

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Gonna miss you Vietnamese Pokemon, it was a wild ride. Bag fuck

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変身装備:変身音叉音角鏡(おんかくきょう コンパクトの中に小型の音叉がセットされており、音叉をコンパクトに打ち鳴らし変身の為の波動を発する)。
illustration by AirRide.

3 11

音撃技:音撃打 猛吹雪伐(もうふぶき)地吹雪伐(じふぶき)地疋引伐
(じひびき)音撃乱打 馬鹿囃子(ばかばやし)。
illustration by AirRide.

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利鬼 空(くう)
illustration by AirRide.

5 16

I hate thia ride....

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Park restroom on my daily bike ride. As I walked across the room, her nose (and growl) followed me. TMI?

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Well, Black Widow is on the stands today. It’s been an amazing ride. A big thanks to Axel Alonso w…

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Well, Black Widow is on the stands today. It’s been an amazing ride. A big thanks to Axel Alonso w…

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First: The Astrophysics and Astronautics of Sally Ride. (Women in Science 43) http://t.co/dXA8gh1GDz

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利鬼:「利鬼 空(くう)!」

design by AirRide.

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Chapter 3 - Page 65. Gold confetti for a purple bride.


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