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i couldn't stop myself to do it-
oh Mr. Rufus Barma, where are you?

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I'm a cat from the stars.

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Deirdre Clementine (best known as Dee) from my cartoon band Sugar Stars. Drawn in Adobe Photoshop CS

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WYF is "rumored" to play a role in a suspense-detective themed drama 《三俠五義》 along with Matthew Ko and other stars.

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yeah, *my eyes shine in the brightness of the stars. Looking up in amazement*

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Thomas loves looking at the stars. He's named them all! Well, the big ones anyway...

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Illustrations from the Persian astronomer Al-Ṣūfī's Kitāb al-Kawākib al-Thābitah, Book of the Fixed Stars. Cancer

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My Stars. My Moon. My Galaxy. <3

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ミンギちゃんは金平糖とか食べてれば良いって話から生まれたキキララパロディ。今のカムバコンセプトとはかけななれた思考。parody of Little twin stars.

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Nothing like making love under the stars...

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Asteria - Goddess of nocturnal oracles and falling stars.

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First Illustration Friday submission. The word was Zodiac. So Crab with Stars. Seemed... http://t.co/N17TNZAIbj

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Gonna be Disney week on dancing with the stars. All y'all saying looks like Jasmine, no. She is Megara.

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Sad American Night takes on the patio Saturday, April 19th, as the Typical Swifts navigate by the stars.

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“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

-Oscar Wilde

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