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Jim Cheung was commissioned to do a Young Avengers piece on an Avengers sketch cover in 2011. Over the course of 3 years, the owner then had Mark Morales Ink the sketch cover, and Justin Ponsor hand colored it. #comicart
"8 de Marzo, Día internacional de lucha por los derechos laborales de la mujer. 9 de Marzo, 1 día sin ellas.”
#Marcha8M #DiaDeLaMujer #8marzo2020 #NiUnaMenos #kemonito #8deMarzo #UnDiaSinNosotras #UnDiaSinMujeres
Read Internal Combustion Fundamentals: Morale - 10
This game speaks to my soul #cdda
The Secret Wars!, by Jimmy Cheung, with Inks by Mark Morales, Colors by the late Justin Ponsor, Letters by Cory Petit, and a Script by Brian Michael Bendis and Brian Reed
Daredevil and Miles Morales by the amazing Gabrielle Del’Otto
so, unfortunately, it's once again Filostrado's turn to keep us entertained, and he's taken out his lute. this has been a huge mistake and I wish we'd never invited him. morale is low.
The two-time WWF Intercontinental Champion,and the first Triple Crown Champion in the history of the WWF:Pedro Morales
Belfast looking at you as the lowly creature you are after letting morale go down on purpose #AzurLane https://t.co/QFObV4X7wc
Another icon set!
Mallow (@reddest16) | Sraven (Steven)
Aurora (auroraborealis) | Morale (giacial)
I think I gona condense icon uploads un future. Maybe make a collection of my favs of the past in a bigger set, and do the same for future ones.
With great kicks comes great fashionability, right Miles?
#MilesMorales #TracyTubera #UnrulyIndustries #Designertoys @tracytubera
No one in particular: So. What defines you? What is your brand?
Me: Sometimes my brand is this... #brand #mybrand #WhatDefinesMe #myart #MyArtworks #myillustrations #HOX #xmen #milesmorales #doompatrol #legionofsuperheroes #LOSH
You remember when I said that Gilbert Blythe and Miles Morales share the same voice actor in Spanish (that is the amazing @EmilioTrevino_ )? My mind did this because it doesn’t have self control, sorry
#CdnScreenAwards #AmybethMcNulty #AnneWithAnE #SaveAnneWithAnE
Nabari se passe dans un monde de ninja, Shounen note parle d'une chorale, Shimanami Tasogare raconte le quotidien d'une petite association LGBT+, Busshi no Busshin met en scène un sculpteur dans le contexte du bouddhisme. Je vais brosser rapidement ce qui m'a plu dans son travail
A couple more sketch commissions I finished! For Oscar Morales Vivo and StudioStatic on Tumblr, respectively!