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pozlyth out of context

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About this lil fella

But then, im goin to write the story in my notes, and give more context AYO-

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I refuse to give context, just enjoy the art and keep scrolling, you slaves of capitalism.

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posting this with no context to people who won't get the reference

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In the yellow thing i added some scenes that actually happen on the comic
Every single of them are too out of context-

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Ken: I really wish Becky would be more open with me

Becky: *is more open with him*

Ken: ……**deep breath**

(For context she’s actually talking about a type of charm spell that’s being used on people around town)

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out of context fujieda route taku

4 18

Out of context: Series 4: Elegance and extremities: 8/12: Undercover

3 19

vo ficar soltando imagem fora de contexto toda hora que eu achar conveniente

se quem le a fic fica confuso, imagina quem não le vendo essas coisas?

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El stream de ayer sin contexto

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La novel·la —amb una evocadora coberta de la il·lustradora — compta també amb un pròleg de l'escriptor Víctor García Tur que contextualitza els escenaris i posa èmfasi en la manera com l’obra converteix en màgics paisatges i entorns que ens són ben propers. (+)

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sem contexto parte 12048971094

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