画質 高画質

A deeply wise person once said nothing.

2 5

I've been busy AKA enjoying doing nothing. Here's a Daphne run cycle. Needs more breakdowns/better timing maybe

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De nuevo, here goes nothing.

1 1

When bae replies 10 hours late & acts like it's nothing.

43 34

It's Chie's birthday, and I have nothing.

Well, Happy Meat-Day anyway !

6 9

If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.-Marc Chagall

1 3

“If I from the nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.” Marc Chagall

6 9

Watching the mom work while I sit around and do nothing.

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Зашиперенно (с)
I regret nothing.

0 1

;//x//; Y-you saw nothing...!

1 2

!! Ugh okay here goes nothing...! *he heads to the door, opens it* y-yo! *feels awkward in the suit*

2 1

The UN will do nothing. Is it too late do our hope and savior to do anything?

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The Nidoran gazed into what appeared to be nothing. But through his eyes, he was seeing things others can only im...

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You know nothing...1990's era Jon Snow by artist Mike Wrobel

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I regret nothing. *flies to heaven* -Crow ヾ(∈0 ///٥/// 0)

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Well I've finally finished the drawing. Hope you like it . Not the best but hey better than nothing.

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"But you didn't have to cut me off. Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing."

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And once again: Post-modern irony: leading nothing from nothing to nothing. Mick van Schooneveld

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