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Chrysalis looks like she's having fun. ^_^

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Alright everypony tomorrow will be Applejack, but today will be pictures of Queen Chrysalis. Enjoy ^_^

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Been lacking in Villain fanart. So here, have a Queen Chrysalis.

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ミカサとエレンとアルミン… helichrysum:僕たちは……

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Good morning, have a Celestia and a Chrysalis. :)

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Friday, June 28th (6-9pm) : "FOR WHICH IT STANDS" opens with a bang!

expect fireworks. 131 Chrystie Street, NYC

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New artwork for sale! - "Orange and Blue Chrysanthemum" - http://t.co/YtyEzmKakb

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Tia, Luna & Chrysalis :3 Man this is a good drawing!

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New artwork for sale! - " Chrysanthemums In Vase" - http://t.co/FgsWRG4ABy

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I'll be back later, okay muffins? :) Leaving you guys with a Chrysalisss~~~

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New artwork for sale! - "Chrysanthemum Shift" - http://t.co/OmktN2fUWL

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Chrysanthe the word... Celebration in progress... Do you love your mum enough?

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Trixiecorn should be canon. Then we'll have the most epic battle, when Trixie joins forces with Chrysalis.

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Chrysler marketer of the year cover, photo by Roy Ritchie

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New artwork for sale! - "Chrysanthemum Shift" - http://t.co/kVRsfCqn

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New artwork for sale! - "Chrysanthemum" - http://t.co/NMBelTit

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Illustration by Chrysa Konsta

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New artwork for sale! - "Chrysanthemum Abstract" - http://t.co/HZSPcpLy

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New artwork for sale! - "Chrysanthemum Abstract" - http://t.co/HZSPcpLy

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New artwork for sale! - "Chrysanthemum" - http://t.co/95qkINKA

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