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One more post for and I'm August, a transmasc character designer and illustrator who loves fashion! I draw anthros and humans and I'm currently really into ArtFight ❤

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a lot of this is old but wanted to give this a try!
hi im aiden and i draw sometimes ig

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Pog small artist tag, heres some examples of my art!

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Hi guys my names Laylah and I’m a Black Muslim Queer artist whose just starting out on twitter give my work a look if you’d like

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hii <3 im mya and i love drawing OCs for fun :)

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Heyo folks! 👋
I'm Kat! I'm a bi & trans artist who aspires to be an illustrator one day!
I love drawing D&D and fantasy stuff and would love to make more art mutuals!

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Hi I'm Ary and I like drawing cute things and buff dudes!

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I guess I'll hop on the bandwagon and hopefully get noticed. Hello everyone my name is Jazmirr.I love drawing roses and fanasty artwork.

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Hello, I like drawing teeth and also turning the saturation to MAXIMUM SPEED when I draw.

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Hi! I'm Jacketry, I'm primarily a furry artist, but hope to expand to drawing humans soon. I plan to make a comic about a supervillain duo (name undecided...)! I consider my art skills to be decent enough, but I am looking to improve!

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Hi I'm Hellu and I draw mostly stuff :D haven't done much lately but i'll get back to it soon i swear---

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since the nobody artists was taken over by people who have huge followerings...Hi my name is Rita, I love designing characters and fan aus. People's DnD characters are my passion.

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Hi, I'm Nova Prospector and I really enjoy making digital art!

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hello!! im nyo and i constantly fight art blocks
i mostly draw original characters but lately i've been trying to do more fanart 💜✨

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Hello, I'm Fate! 🐰 I like girls, rabbits, and cute things! 💞☺ Nice to meet you all!

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im stray and i like designing monsters, but i’ve been improving my humans and backgrounds recently :) i also stream occasionally !

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Heyo, small artist here! Working hard to make art my job someday, but gaining a following takes a while! Hope you guys enjoy what I create!

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I'm really loving these small artist trends! Since I end up too late to art trends and tags I'm glad to be here for this one haha

I'm K, and I do digital illustration! Usually fanart, occaisionally OCs and I'm hoping to start a webcomic someday soon

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