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basira muslim obviously but hear me out: daisy jewish

2 5

In honor of Tim Stoker, the bicon

104 219

So I took a crack at drawing Peter Lukas.

I don't trust him? But I absolutely love him.

18 61

Just a small thing! but realized the original image was SUPER dark on mobile for some reason>?? (It looked fine on my computers)

Hopefully details are easier to see with this one.

My attempt at the monster from "Tucked In"

0 5

more x b99 parodies please help the archive staff

110 267

I felt compelled....

I don't think Jon would be super pleased about it tho

4 14

"Corridors. Weird limbs. Laughs like a headache."

I love one distortion.

22 40

"I'm Michael. Did the Archivist not tell you about me?"

41 86

can you tell ive been listening to apocrypals recently im back on my angelic stuff,,, but here's another in the angelic/beholding series (?) its a gerry

94 174

The Archivist, a terrifying monster. Truly a frightful thing to behold.

30 93

"There are two powers that, to my knowledge, have never attempted to fully manifest. Never had followers set them up for a ritual. Mother of Puppets, and Terminus. The Web and the End."

62 159

The Magnus Archives: Episode 39

Jonathan: We have four of the-
Tim: Martin's gone.
Jonathan: I'm getting to that... Martin has disappeared.

19 52

I just want them to hug once,,, is that too much to ask

I think so

19 93

"I will never abandon Daisy, and having her back is...But right now, she's dead weight."

55 112

tw spiders tw body horror
web!martin with jon request,,, affection is entirely subjective

10 61

some thoughts re: daisy and the hunt's influence

39 113