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aren't so bad when you have cool coworkers! shows off some moves: http://t.co/hnvu6vzwhh

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These are Sloth and its best friend Mr. Snores! And yep, they also hate mondays.

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So we all know Mondays are but the good news is we'll be this Saturday at 6! Get pumped!

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How Mondays treat me:

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Hate Mondays? Here's a magnificent to brighten your morning!

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Ditch your case of the Mondays for a case of Jean Gautreau http://t.co/emXKg4Gra0

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If you think Mondays suck just be glad you don't take this lift to work

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tonight ! Come kick it while and I play a great mix of soul classics.

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Tonight w/ ! FREE, drinks specials, & tunes from 9-1.

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New LOVED & LOST Mondays post featuring more THAW process shots by the amazing : http://t.co/dJrZK3gMO7

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