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『Grave Shivers』あなたに3つの恐怖が襲いかかる。少女を狙う恐ろしい怪物に勇敢に立ち向かうクマちゃん人形などの3つの話を収録したホラーオムニバス短編。YouTubeなどで公開中。http://t.co/z66N4pxNuN

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Shiver Entertainment, Nexon M reveal ‘Beasts vs Bots’ - http://t.co/hJ6m0vReyU

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Phoenix Comicon begins at 4PM. I see you shiver with antici...

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Sometimes I shiver when I draw girls TOO sweet but at least I love the water here

6 21

The Shiver.
Golden Shafts
Burn the Last Frost
From Willowed Blades.
Happy Earth Day!

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Though you fight to stay alive
starts to shiver.
For no mere mortal can resist
the evil of

7 34

New artwork for sale! - "SHIVERING BEAUTY OF STORM" - http://t.co/f52QdDPuIW

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Ahoy Landlubber! Here be a Booty of Brilliant Violet to feast your eyes upon! Shiver me timbers!

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Feline good after watching the musical Cats . Nicole Scherzinger nailed it

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New artwork for sale! - "SHIVERING BEAUTY OF STORM" - http://t.co/zno67jkZBl

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New artwork for sale! - "Shivering beauty of storm" - http://t.co/zno67jkZBl

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C'mon out to the Hollyshorts tonight. Grave Shivers is playing at Mann's Chinese! I'll be there with dir

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Fuck *shiver shudder* why must you be so much older than me 😩

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This gave me the shivers! (knee height as it says - zoom in)

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Southsea Comedy Festival sets sail in one month - timbers will be shivered.

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New artwork for sale! - "Shivering beauty of storm" - http://t.co/f52QdDgici

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