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Recent changes in fire regimes (2000-2014) at the global scale driven by climate and direct human control. Really good timing for this impressive paper in @NatureClimate in order to put the recent Amazon fires in perspective... https://t.co/ZwCZJVNIGB
@osupwAMGXUUNR9R congrats on your great taste in Twitter accounts! It would be even more impressive if you followed Andre Masson @artistmasson, too 😉. Cheers, @andreitr
I don't play Mortal Kombat but that Joker reveal was unimpressive so here's a Ledger Joker for distraction.
Delighted to announce my Craft of Writing Course has sold out.
Huge thanks to @KernanAndrews, @daveoconnell1, @endacunningham and @LisaReganPR
Looking forward to meeting my new students in a couple of weeks. We've a really impressive variety of age and experience on board.
Most Impressive...
JIGNA art by: Kelsey Shannon (@comickelsey)
Please behold and enjoy the impressive art work of @gaulergolf ! Thanks for all your incredible contributions to the Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge! #motu #MOTUdrawingchallenge #heman
Another great history museum in Stockholm: @nordiskamuseet. A colossal 1925 statue of King Gustav Vasa, sculpted by Carl Milles, greets you upon entering, and dominates the impressively voluminous space. #ITweetMuseums #NordiskaMuseet #GustavVasa #CarlMilles
Naruto's "Talk no Jutsu" is pretty cool and all, but I think that Goku's is even more impressive
@viiolaceus Congrats! 😊❤ Also this is the most accurate picrew ever?!! It's really impressive especially with limited pixels.
WHY are Lunge's eyebrows like that. They're so impressive it's honestly intimidating. His eyebrows are the scariest part.
@koriArredondo It was definitely one of the most technically impressive pics of them I've commissioned. It's always a joy to see how different artists interpret them.
This is a painting back from October 2016. My most impressive creation and the piece I still am most proud of up to this day. A painting with over 200 layers and over 16 hours of work in total. And yet something like this seems to never have happened to me/my art ever again.
The Advanced Artworks Of August Has Been Selected! Tons of impressive designs are here to attract your attention :)
These creative designs redefined Loulan Kingdom with unique aspects. View the full list of advanced entries at https://t.co/OLBXXCDYwK
Here is some concept art from Robots created by Mike Knapp. This film really is still an underrated gem from Blue Sky and one of the most visually impressive animated movies I've seen from them.
@Zenrotto Sure, y not c: this isn't really impressive per say, but I make doodoo art, apologies in advance for low res, I do this on mobile so I can't have stuff be HD, crashes my phone in high res
I got my Pathfinder 2d edition stuff on the mail, and i gotta say those are some impressive tomes. They really went all out! I am proud and happy to have some work on both the bestiary and the core rulebook. I'll be posting some of it :) first, some fun hags!