//=time() ?>
El anime Mecha-Ude presetan su segundo vídeo https://t.co/pDB1yo1Lb1
i dont like the aura female presets bc they're too soft but here's ein's ex yuzuka she's mean and made of tough meat
twitter made me reset my password and i put it off for a while oooppss. have this new gremlin kid named bobbie
The Reset Button - Snow Day
https://t.co/4vfJaRN4Iv #comics #snowday #gaming #theresetbutton
リセット 決死のカウントダウン
Reset #逆時営救
2017年 中国
2018.2.14 16:10
#YoonHongseung ( #Chang )
#尹鸿承 #윤홍승 #YangMi #楊冪
#WallaceHuo #霍建華
#金士傑 #刘畅 #张艺瀚
#王俐丹 #金熙元
#JackieChan #成龍
「GG QUATRE」の短編「RESET」が載ってる「漫画の手帖TOKUMARU17号」は、店頭、通販ともに下記までお問い合わせください。
東京中野タコシェ https://t.co/xnmOGXJZFR 、
模索舎 https://t.co/6lozVOGrAK … …、
大阪中津シカク https://t.co/YutjaPD5MU
The Reset Button - Homework: 404
https://t.co/h98vnhIfdU #comics #gaming #zork
i was origionaly reseting for elekid but then i thought of the dynamic between heracross' natural strenghts and little tyrogue's struggle to become strong and i got attatched... 😐
【告知】イベント参加情報です。2月11日、大田区産業プラザPIOで開催される紅のひろば15に参加します。スペース番号はレミ12、"Reset All Controllers"です。新譜Breakerほか、紅魔っぽいCDを持っていきます。委託でBullet ⅨのCDもある…かも…。よろしくお願いします。
Animation work for a boss intro for @th3sharkk's game #visionsoftreset!
#pixelart #gamedev #IndieGameDev #animation
I don't know why I hold back on posting my art here lol. I made another redesign for my fancomic Jet Set Radio Future: RESET. So Here's the real cool lady who leaves a trail of broken hearts wherever she goes! #JetSetRadio #JSRF #JSR #Sega
Ah yes. Finally time to work on some art.
*laptop won't start up properly, cant factory reset*
@graveolens Did you try Load preset -> Filling pattern? If you enlarge the circles we can obtain chaotic pattern. Coloring is troublesome. I'm considering what kind of UI and color scheme are suit for this renderer.
The Reset Button: C&D - https://t.co/4vfJaRN4Iv #webcomics #gaming #videogames #snowmen #comics
reseteando el sueño...dia 3 coñooooo pero primero.....una Sirene de Devilman =3