Two versions bc why not

Whatever people think of UA, It marked alot of things for me. I felt it fitting to draw the cat I adopted shortly before it began, who coincidentally happened to fit the theme.
It may not be Mark and Ethan, but it's significant to me

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This year has been crazy...but Mark, Ethan and Amy (she's the unofficial third member) have made it bearable...and fun...
I appreciate these three, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart...

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This isn't my art but i thought this was so cool and decided to share it with you guys. Again this is not my art, all credit goes to the original artist :)

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Please react to my fanart it clearly took me years to finish this piece as you can see

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While I’m signal boosting my art, i’d Like to point out that it matches the Fibonacci sequence!!

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365:00:00. Unus Annus often made me laugh so hard I cried. Thank you Mark and Ethan for everything. This is just a piece I was working on while watching the goodbye stream. It's not related to the content but I wanted to share it.

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From the beginning to the end our time is up. Thank you for everything, Mark and Ethan.
🤍 Memento Mori 🖤

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just wanted to boost this up :) we all love these fucking idiots 🖤🤍💀

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Reuploading because I'm desperate.

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Brain: You should work on the other art projects you have, and go to sleep since you have work tomorrow
Me: haha sad art go brrrrrr

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I’m glad I got to experience this but I’m still sad to see it go

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I was here since the beginning but I did fall behind at some moments but I have watched all of the Unus Annus videos


(Posting my drawings again)

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Re-uploading!! Hopefully they will see this! ❤❤

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To celebrate I doodled real quick well watching stream. Sowwy its just something simple n quick lmao good bye unus and annus... 🖤🤍🖤🤍

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I legit teared up finishing this- I cannot say thank you enough for this year 💚

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