🌄 The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror in the Years 1839-1843. v.1. plates
London: Reeve Brothers, 1844-60.

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6月21日 作曲家 逝去(1844-1908)
の一人で、色彩感に富み、民族色豊かな曲を数多く残しました。代表作の の他、#ハリストス(#キリスト)の復活を描いた序曲 や正教会の聖歌を作曲しています。

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Ivan Aivazovsky (1817-1900), Gibraltar by Night, oil on canvas, 1844

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吴昌硕(1844年8月1日-1927年11月29日),原名俊,俊卿,字昌硕,别号缶庐,晚年自称吴字,浙江安吉人,中国清末民初的篆刻家,亦工书法、绘画,与任伯年、赵之谦、虚谷齐名为“清末海派四大家”。 他把书法、篆刻艺术融入绘画,形成富有金石味的独特画风。

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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (1844) [My current read]. Illustrations by artists, Pierre-Gustave Staal & Jean-Adolphe Beaucé [1888]. “How did I escape? With difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure.”

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Albert Neuhuys (June 10, 1844 - February 6, 1914) was a Dutch painter Noordse madonna.

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Lilacs in a Window (c1880 – 1883) by the American Impressionist painter who lived 60 years in France, Mary Cassatt (1844 – 1926) — now at the Metropolitan Museum of (),

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Quando sarò morto voglio che questo si dica di me: non ha fatto parte di alcuna scuola, di alcuna chiesa e men meno di alcun sistema: l’unica cosa a cui è appartenuto è stata la libertà.

G. Courbet

G. Courbet, L’uomo ferito, 1844

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Albert Neuhuys (June 10, 1844 - February 6, 1914) was a Dutch painter.

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Il grande amore ci fa paura perché si diventa vulnerabili,si perde la corazza che abbiamo nei confronti del mondo. Perché in amore si dà tutto ma si può anche perdere tutto.


G.Courbet, Gli amanti in campagna, 1844

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Konstantin Savitsky (1844-1905) :
- The Monk (1897)

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Interesting to compare with Annie Swinnerton’s (1844-1933) Joan of Arc...

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Joan of Arc (date not known) by Annie Swynnerton (1844–1933), English painter, first elected woman member at the Royal Academy of Arts in 1922 who was also an active feminist and suffragist

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