A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators - L is for Maximilian Liebenwein an Austrian - German Illustrator (1869 - 1926) He painted mainly Fairy Tale and Legend Cycles...

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In 1869, the Post Office Department released the National Bank Note Pictorial Issue, the first set of U.S. stamps printed in two colors. The set included ten different stamps, ranging from 1-cent to 90-cent.

Scott Catalogue USA 116, 1869. (Smithsonian)

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Republika Ezo byla jediná republika na Japonských ostrovech v dějinách. Koncem roku 1868 ji vyhlásili poslední stoupenci Tokugawů pod vedením admirála Enomota Takeakiho, kteří museli ustoupit ze zbytku Japonska. 27. června 1869 byla znovu dobyta japonskými císařskými silami

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Memory of a wooded island in the Baltic Sea (Oak trees by the Sea) (1834-5) by Carl Gustav Carus (German, 1789-1869). Artist, doctor and scientist. Carus originated the concept of the vertebrate archetype, a seminal idea in the development of Darwin's theory of evolution.

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Happy - on the summer solstice! ☀️

We're bringing you sunshine through painting and music on

Gustave Courbet visited Étretat on the Normandy coast in the summer of 1869, working outdoors to create five views of the cliffs and numerous seascapes.

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🍄 Les champignons comestibles du Canton de NeuchaÌ 1Atel
NeuchaÌ 1Atel: SocieÌteÌ neuchateloise d'utiliteÌ publique, 1861-1869.

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18/06/1869 nació LEO PUTZ, pintor tirolés

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18/06/1869 nació LEO PUTZ, pintor tirolés

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John Singer Sargent, Boat in Tunnel; Sketch of Sailboat, 1869 https://t.co/PmFombk41R

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Sunset in the Forest (1904) by Ivan Trush (Ukrainian, 1869-1941).

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Yoshio Markino (1869-1956)

A busy London street, evening

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アール ヌーボーの装飾にに関係する植物イラストが400点以上紹介されている植物研究本。解釈と装飾としての組み合わせなど見るだけでも楽しめる内容です。

Etude de la plante / M. P. Verneuil(1869-1942)https://t.co/lDzTlgLqFS

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