everyone talks about Snorlax being their spirit animal but what about gen 1 Blastoise tho?

I relate to him more tbh

0 7

Oh right! I draw Pokémon, I forgot.
Pokémon Blastoise
Sure, fiery faux dragons are cool and all. But how about a big turtle boi with cannons coming out of his shoulders. His major weakness? A walking cabbage that throws leaves. Blastoise is cooler though!

1 2

blasturtle :)
fine ill call it blastoise

60 300

Cervo-do-Pantanal (Blastocerus dichotomus)

É o maior cervídeo sul-americano, podendo pesar até 125 quilos e ter até 127 centímetros de altura.

Ocorria desde o sul do rio Amazonas até o norte da Argentina, mas atualmente, a espécie só é comum no Pantanal.

3 38

Love the doggos! Ready for blastoff 🚀

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Felt like designing a regional variant Blastoise as a warmup. Yes he flies.

8 25

in the pokedex, Blastoise in MS Paint

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9 37

009 Blastoise-girl
Acomplished firefighter with two big blasters ready to put out any wild fires. She's also ready to stoke the fires of your desires. Blastoise-girl on duty!💦

3 18

Flare is the best arc that has to offer (at least IMO)

But I'd say that the Johto League is probably the most POPULAR due to the icon status that Ash/Charizard vs Gary/Blastoise has

(plus, it's an alright arc in it's own right) https://t.co/WSGrKTKbnI

0 6

Pokemon Red Nuzlocke Part 2
Final team before and after E4, Electrode died....

Kumar = Electrode
Dumbledore = Moltres
Bungee Gum = Mew
X AE A-XII = Dugtrio
Speedwagon = Articuno
Jonathan (Joestar) = Blastoise

0 1

Amou as roupinhas de gala pra esperar a chegada do Ano Novo em grande estilo do Slowbro, Greedent e Blastoise? Pois é, mores, cerca de R$44,90 cada.

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Squirtle, Wartortle and Blastoise

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