Since shiny Chansey is going to be available in the wild,I must say is the one I’m excited the most to find ✨💚✨ Like ❤️ if you agree with me 😌

15 247

Beta Blissey:

In Gold & Silver's 1997 demo, Blissey was originally named "Happii" (Happy), and evolved from Chansey at level 45. But she was later renamed & revised to evolve via friendship.

1. Demo sprite recreation by
2. G&S 1997 demo sprite
3. 1999's final design

337 2488

I will freely admit, too: for all the defending I did of Game Freak’s decisions, I was still really bummed my girls Chansey and Volcarona got cut. So for bringing them back in the DLC. 🥰

0 4

Feliz Navidad !!!! (Atrasado) ❤️❄️❤️❄️❤️❄️❤️ al fin pude darme una chansesita de desearles felices fiestas,se me vino está idea con un pequeño cómic que realice para la página de Facebook Hiroguel

Les deseo todo lo mejor ! ¿Preparados para año nuevo?

6 21

3 axolotl Pokémon if you count Chansey 🐣

0 2

A small provisional Collab 😁!!!

Fueron bocetos que hice de algunas Pokémon gijinka y un amigo de Facebook las pinto y me gustó cómo le quedaron... Según yo son una... (no van en orden)

3 12

I always thought Jigglypuffs and Clefairys, and their evolves, as enemies. Probably because of that one episode where they slap each other repeatedly. Chansey is pure and innocent though : )

2 31

Beta Blissey:

In Gold & Silver's 1997 demo, Blissey was originally named "Happii" (Happy), and evolved from Chansey at level 45. She was later renamed and revised to evolve via friendship.

1. Demo sprite recreation by
2. G&S 1997 demo sprite
3. 1999's final design

193 1228


2 7

Pokemon no. 113: Chansey! I love egg

30 131

Smeargle, ninetails, chansey, bouffalant, vaporeon, chingling

0 3

Day 24: Chansey/ラッキー

Study buddies

632 4615

A quick sketch featuring more rpg class Pokémon, this time with Audino and Chansey as clerics!

24 76

Cheryl has gotten berry round recently, round and plump, like a magost berry..
She's an hp tank now! but difference is.. she can't use eviolite like Chansey can..

0 5

In Gen 2, there are seven Pokemon that evolve via high friendship: Pichu, Togepi, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Eevee, Chansey, and Golbat.

But in Gold & Silver's 1997 demo, the friendship mechanic didn't exist -- all these Pokemon evolved by leveling up (except Togepi, who didn't evolve).

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