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Beta Blissey:
In Gold & Silver's 1997 demo, Blissey was originally named "Happii" (Happy), and evolved from Chansey at level 45. But she was later renamed & revised to evolve via friendship.
1. Demo sprite recreation by @RacieBeep
2. G&S 1997 demo sprite
3. 1999's final design
I will freely admit, too: for all the defending I did of Game Freak’s decisions, I was still really bummed my girls Chansey and Volcarona got cut. So #ThankYouGameFreak for bringing them back in the DLC. 🥰
@CRSerenity2132 @Doodlelot 3 axolotl Pokémon if you count Chansey 🐣
A small provisional Collab 😁!!!
Fueron bocetos que hice de algunas Pokémon gijinka y un amigo de Facebook las pinto y me gustó cómo le quedaron... Según yo son una... (no van en orden)
#myartwork #gijinka #pokemon #OC
I always thought Jigglypuffs and Clefairys, and their evolves, as enemies. Probably because of that one episode where they slap each other repeatedly. Chansey is pure and innocent though : )
Beta Blissey:
In Gold & Silver's 1997 demo, Blissey was originally named "Happii" (Happy), and evolved from Chansey at level 45. She was later renamed and revised to evolve via friendship.
1. Demo sprite recreation by @RacieBeep
2. G&S 1997 demo sprite
3. 1999's final design
@Caudlewag Smeargle, ninetails, chansey, bouffalant, vaporeon, chingling
A quick sketch featuring more rpg class Pokémon, this time with Audino and Chansey as clerics!
#pokemon #PokemonSwordShield
Cheryl has gotten berry round recently, round and plump, like a magost berry..
She's an hp tank now! but difference is.. she can't use eviolite like Chansey can..
In Gen 2, there are seven Pokemon that evolve via high friendship: Pichu, Togepi, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Eevee, Chansey, and Golbat.
But in Gold & Silver's 1997 demo, the friendship mechanic didn't exist -- all these Pokemon evolved by leveling up (except Togepi, who didn't evolve).