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@lynelmilk Elrak: Duty
Joaquin: Passion
Constantine: Answers
St.Charles: Family
Art by @artenicojpg and @jysn_artstuff
One of the last secret, underground human cities is facing total annihilation and its leader—John Constantine—must plan a suicide mission to assassinate a key lieutenant in the vampire empire!
🔥 Segundo o @The_Illuminerdi, as filmagens da série do Constantine para a HBO Max iniciarão no Outono (Entre Setembro e Novembro).
O site também afirma que o título provisório da série será “Chimney" e que as filmagens acontecerão no Reino Unido e Marroco.
🚨 Segundo o The Illuminerdi, a produção da série do Constantine na HBO Max está a todo o vapor e a mesma começará a ser gravada no Outono norte-americano deste ano.
As gravações irão acontecer no Reino Unido e em Marrocos.
As gravações da série do Constantine irão começar este outono em Londres.
A Warner e a DC estão à procura de um ator britânico negro para interpretar o John Constantine.
— Rosemary's Baby
— The Wicker Man
— The Exorcist
— The Omen
— Carrie
— Children of the Corn
— Angel Heart
— Pi: Faith in Chaos
— Stigmata
— Los otros
— Constantine
— The Conjuring
— The Witch
— Mother!
— Suspiria
— Hereditary
— Saint Maud
Check out these new images from "DC Showcase - Constantine: The House of Mystery!" The upcoming release - on sale May 3, 2022 - includes the title animated short plus three more starring Blue Beetle, Kamandi and The Losers! #DCShowcase #Constantine #BlueBeetle #TheLosers #Kamandi
New images from "DC Showcase - Constantine: The House of Mystery" show the distinctly different art styles & comics eras of the latest compilation of Warner Bros. Animation’s shorts.
Starring @MattLanter @MingNa @cameronmonaghan @mattryanreal.
Own it May 3 on Blu-ray & Digital!
Os semifinalistas de #DCRoundRobin2022
Green Lantern : The Light at The End of Forever - arte de @MSantucciArt
Superboy : The Man of Tomorrow - arte de @jahnoyl
Constantine & The Demon: Vacation from Hell - arte de @niK_IT
Suicide Squad: Dark - arte de @GarryBoom
I was messing about whilst watching Constantine again #hellblazer #JohnConstantine #fanart
Whether he tries to save his own damned soul from hell or save his loved one from WWI, he'll get what he wants in one way or another!
Happy birthday to the brilliant Matt Ryan! 🥳🥳🥳
@mattryanreal #LegendsOfTomorrow #RenewLegendsOfTomorrow #GwynDavies #JohnConstantine #fanart
Let’s get those numbers up on #GhostTourFromHell! Cast your vote now on the @DCComics Twitter, Instagram, and DC Universe Infinite community! #DC #Comics #DCUniverse #MadameXanadu #Deadman #EtriganTheDemon #Constantine #Bloodwynd @MizTeeFranklin https://t.co/oyjl47T54L
Have an John Constantine design he has hairless patches and scars
Shay had to cosplay as their favorite demon daddy #JohnConstantine
“ 지금까지의 ‘수레조’는 잊어라! ”
《 콘스탄틴 : 더 리어카 (Constantine : The Rear car) 》
✝️ 이리스 코흐 & 비비 카프만 & 제레마이어 워커 & 래트리 스털링
✝️ 액션, 드라마
✝️ 인성 파탄 사고뭉치들이 얼떨결에 세상을 구원해 버린다면?
#씨네마_올스타즈 #Cinema_AllStars
@aemiron Here is my boy Constantine. A troubled paladin who would lay down his life if asked. Brooding and stoic, you're lucky if you get a smile but he is loyal to a fault. He is also secretly an amazing artist and loves to draw and paint, maybe to express his feelings?
ThunderCats animated series (2011) and Constantine tv series https://t.co/T78zpVgVh8
Marble Hand of Colossus of Constantine. Capitoline Museums in Rome, Italy. Photograph: Vogue Magazine, June 1956.