🌿🦄🌿For I'm giving a mention to the magical stepping stones that get me through the week...

And for a daily dose of re-enchantment💚

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"Firm to the mast with chains thyself be bound,
Nor trust thy virtue to the enchanting sound" (Homer)

Four artists' takes on trickster epitome Odysseus & his adventure with the sirens for

🖼️ Cw Waterhouse, Moreau, Etty & Draper

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🦊The Fox as Trickster for

🎨Jemima Puddle-Duck by Beatrix Potter
🎨Reynard the Fox by Michel Rodange

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In fable, naive Jemima Puddle-Duck, who has been duped by a charming “foxy-whiskered gentleman”, is saved from being the cunning fox’s roast dinner by canny Kep the farm collie, who chases him away. However the fox returns later in his own tale.

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In Slavic mythology the Leshy is a tree spirit, protector of flora & fauna found in the forest. A shapeshifter & trickster, he gets his kicks by leading unwary travelers astray through his magic and cunning.

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Various species of mythical headless men were rumoured, in antiquity & later, to inhabit remote parts of the world. Described as lacking a head, their facial features were on their chest, & first described as inhabitants of ancient Libya or along the Nile.

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Some mysterious bipeds indeed! These curious mushroom prints by German artist Heinz Geilfus (1890-1956) 🍄

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The Bannik ruled the Slavic bathhouse w/the ability to predict the future. He was consulted by standing with one's back exposed in the half-open door of the bath. It would gently stroke one's back if all boded well; but if trouble lay ahead, he'd strike with claws

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In Greek mythology, a satyr is a male nature spirit with the upper body of a human, and lower body of a goat or horse. They have bestial faces & snub noses. They were ribald, loved wine, music, dancing & women (with whom they were often unsuccessful with).

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In British mythology, the land (then known as Albion) was inhabited by terrible giants before the first men arrived. The giants were all killed by Brutus and his men - the last was called Gogmagog and was thrown from a cliff, ending the giant bloodline for good.

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“A world that might have Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster is clearly superior to one that definitely does not”

Join the Dark Queens tomorrow for with your tales & images of

"Mythic & Mysterious Bipeds!"

We RT after 2 pm GMT

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"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist", Charles Baudelaire
🎨Gustave Doré, John Collier, William Blake, Alexandre Cabanel

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The Queen of Elphame/Elf hame, (associated with Morgan le Fey & Mab), rules over Fairyland. She's beautiful, seductive, & deadly. This fairy queen is said to pay a tithe to Hell every seven years. ⌛️ Her abducted mortal lovers often provide this sacrifice.

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In Eastern Europe it was once said devils would celebrate their weddings at crossroads, where their dancing and festivities caused dust-storms and whirlwinds...


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Uriah Heep created by Charles Dickens in David Copperfield is a villain of the worst kind, a snivelling sycophantic creep, noted for his cloying “umbleness” & insincerity. Motivated by greed, he schemes & manipulates, to gain control of the Wickfield fortune.

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“Without the door let sorrow lie,
And if for cold it hap to die,
We'll bury 't in a Christmas pie,
And evermore be merry”

Welcome to our 27th

is celebrating with you for the next 2 hours.

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The Crimson Winter Widow, a dark spirit that blesses weddings or shall haunt the villagers till the next winter. The masses celebrated me.
If I bless your union, I shall never claim your children. My offering is a cake—blended with blood to seal my certificate. https://t.co/ZbstZF09MA

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Pines & fir trees were loved by the Romans as a symbol of rebirth & life in the depths of winter. A live tree was brought into the home so the spirits that lived within would be warm in winter. Morsels of food were hung on the branches to nourish them. Img: CMB

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Mari Lwyd is an ancient Welsh Yule custom where revelers carrying the skull of a mare on a stick would attempt to gain entry to homes thru song. They would be discouraged by the homeowner, thru song and a song fest commenced until one side relented

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