German Sausages & Flying Ambulances... battlefield medicine.

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Wolcott's Instant Pain Annihilator, 1863. An accurate visual of a headache, in my experience.

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Joseph Maclise (1815-1880) 'Surgical Anatomy' published in 1851,

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"It is the nerves, Senator'. Buddenbrooks (1901) & medicine
Bock, Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen (1841)

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Dissection to show muscles of the neck by Nicolas Henri Jacob, 1831.

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Richard Mead's gout cure: large quantities of wine infused with snake root, ginger or garlic.

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The strange history of opiates, from morphine for kids to heroin for soldiers

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Hand-coloured engraving by Antonio Serantoni from 'Anatomia Universale', Paolo Mascagni,1833

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Solving Woman’s Oldest Hygienic Problem in a New Way: A History of Period Products

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Engraving of a whale in the Elbe near Hamburg, 1659. A fave from a lecture today!

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Pregnant women from 'Monstrorum historia memorabilis' by Schenk von Grafenberg, 1609.

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Unhealed fracture of the humerus resulting in a 'baggy joint'. Text by Paul Vogt, 1881.

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Only 97 of 300 copies of William Cheselden's Osteographia were sold, so 83 were cut up for their plates.

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From our collections: William Wadd (surgeon to George IV)'s 'Comments on Corpulency' (1829)

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Muscles of the right orbit from 'Anatomy of the Human Body' by Henry Gray, 1918.

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'Pelvic bones of an adult male, a fetus and an abnormal adult female' by Nicolas Henri Jacob 1831.

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Hey Gallery Event and Talk on and Anesthesia, Nov. 19th 6pm

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