Fuggiremo il riposo, fuggiremo il sonno,
supereremo in velocità
l'alba e la primavera

e prepareremo giorni e stagioni
a misura dei nostri sogni.

- Paul Éluard -

🎨Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, A letto, 1893

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Combien d'autres chefs-d'œuvre nous aurait-il laissé s'il ne s'était éteint à l'âge de 36 ans, le 9 septembre 1901 ? Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, peintre, dessinateur, lithographe, affichiste et illustrateur à qui le Grand Palais a consacré une importante exposition fin 2019.

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...I is For... Henri-Gabriel Ibels a French Illustrator and author. He, like his contemporary Toulouse Lautrec, drew his inspiration from life on the street, cafés, the circus and boxing ring...

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...I is For... Henri-Gabriel Ibels a French Illustrator and author. He, like his contemporary Toulouse Lautrec, drew his inspiration from life on the street, cafés, the circus and boxing ring...

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...I is For... Henri-Gabriel Ibels a French Illustrator and author. He, like his contemporary Toulouse Lautrec, drew his inspiration from life on the street, cafés, the circus and boxing ring...

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...I is For... Henri-Gabriel Ibels a French Illustrator and author. He, like his contemporary Toulouse Lautrec, drew his inspiration from life on the street, cafés, the circus and boxing ring...

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September 9, 1901: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, premier poster artist of Paris, dies at only 36-years of age.

Sadly, the end of the artist's short life was rather tragic. As well as living with a deformity, he ailed greatly and suffered from alcoholism.

🎨 In Bed, The Kiss, 1892

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, peintre, dessinateur, lithographe, affichiste et illustrateur français, né le 24 novembre 1864 à Albi et mort le 9 septembre 1901, au château Malromé, à Saint-André-du-Bois.

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Elles: Woman In a Corset, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1896 https://t.co/hH7Mj86kke

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Elles: Woman in Bed, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1896 https://t.co/990bx1jCvq

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Madame Marthe X - Bordeaux
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, oil on canvas, 1900


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I'm not sure if they were specifically a 'couple' but this is by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, called In Bed (Le Lit) and it feels like a soft and tender scene.

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C'est reparti ! Exposition "La force du dessin" au Au programme Delacroix, Toulouse Lautrec, Redon, Hugo, Baudelaire, Greuze, Prud’hon, Fragonard et bien d'autres.

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Un dibujo viejo que reviví porque me recordó al meme.
Era un estudio de Toulouse Lautrec, pero con puppyshipping.

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The Kiss by Francesco Hayez, 1859

The Kiss by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1892.

The Kiss by Richard Mauch, 1900.

The Kiss by Silvio Allason, 1910.

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, In Bed , 1892

Via Stephen Ellcock

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"A portrait, to be a work of art, neither must nor may resemble the sitter... one must paint its atmosphere." Umberto Boccioni

Image: La Modiste (Mademoiselle Louise Blouet d’Enguin), by Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, 1900

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Madame Marthe X - Bordeaux
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, oil on 1900


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