Consolidated: Capcom announced MH Riders for iOS/Android, a F2P w/ micro transactions game winter 2020. Has the style of MHStories. 200k pre-reg and people get materials to buff monstie/hunter and a 3-star Rathian egg. Promo vid out, next news on Feb 7.

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I had a dream that I was playing MHStories 2 and my Pet Nergigante was clobbering Dodogama delinquents. This might be a hint for me to replay MHStories again... for the fourth time. Capcom I really want Stories 2, I'm at my limit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

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This is some artworks from an amazing Spin off of the licence. If you like JRPG and this game is for you ! 😉

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The evolution of Nargacuga's monster icon.

1st - FU
2nd - P3rd/3U/Gen/GU
3rd - MHStories
4th - MHWI

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for my instagram post this morning, I was looking to see if Dan's qurupeco had a name and I just love the baby qurupeco in this art

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Man they sure put a lot of effort into cutscenes. I love it lol. Spoiler alert

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A A A A !!!!!!!
i got a White Monoblos last night on 💚💚💚💚

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Une mise à jour gratuite de contenu pour sera disponible cet été. Au programme : Teostra, Kushala Daora et Rajang.

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Arms looks fun!!
And MHStories finally came to the west!

So here's a mix of both!

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Cartes de voeux spéciales proposés par Capcom.

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Can't hold the hype even tho it's not even confirmed for the west,

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