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A doll that doesn't DO anything? Not if tech-girl Charlotte has anything to do with it!

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A young flamingo is inspired by her mother who is hardworking nurse at the animal hospital.

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Mov had a dream of something deep in the ocean. Now he will do anything to find that dream. He never quits

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The slowest coyote in the desert becomes the fastest when he unwittingly sits on a cactus running nonstop.

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One white rabbit with a vivid imagination discovers 7 colorful adventures inside the drawers of a dresser.

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Photo bombs and selfies: Getting a picture-perfect photo op isn’t easy with these guys.

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Gray has a dream to share his music with the Choir of Canaries, Percussionist Penguins, and Jazzy Blue Jays

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Being a nurse in the animal hospital is hard. A young flamingo is inspired by her hardworking mother.

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Mov had a dream of something deep in the ocean. Now he won’t stop till he finds it. Mov never quits.

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Matilda just WILL NOT clean her room But will she clean when the mess starts to lift her bed off the floor?

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ALIEN HUNT: 150-word keeps readers guessing, “Quirky neighbor or… alien?!”

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Being a nurse in the animal hospital is hard. A young flamingo is inspired by her hard working mother.

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Look! Zo stopped what he was doing to go potty! Cheer him on in “Time to Go, Zo!”

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Ms Mary Mack’s big ideas lead her to an outer-space adventure on a VERY high-jumping elephant

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THE SEVEN RAVENS A little sister must save her brothers in this retelling of a classic fairy tale.

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Yay! Zo finally stopped what he was doing to go potty! Cheer him on in “Time to Go, Zo!”

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A young flamingo is inspired by her mother who is hard working nurse at the animal hospital.

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Ms. Mary Mack’s big ideas lead her on an out-of-this-world adventure aboard a high-jumping Circus elephant.

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THE SEVEN RAVENS A little sister must save her brothers in this retelling of a classic fairy tale.

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