because Katana and Deadshot were the best part of suicide squad

3 16

Since I don't know who has already taken part in this challenge and I don't want to prefer anyone, I call on all of my followers and friends who feel addressed and want to participate ... 🥺

2 9

films under the banne of

>David Ayer's Suicide Squad (#ReleaseTheAyerCut)

>Ben Affleck's Batman (#MakeTheBatfleckMovie)

>Justice League 2 (#JusticeLeaguepart2)

>Deathstroke Movie (#SaveDeathstrokeMovie)

>Jared Leto's Joker

50 177

"Damaged" tattoo is too over the top for
But sticking with staples a ripped off skin face as a mask is ok for you all

6 29

🌜Enchantress 🌛

Not even her final form!

4 11